Clover Valley Scenic Drive
The Clover Valley Scenic Drive visits a hidden valley in Nevada that few people ever visit, despite the valley being located less than 10 miles from busy Interstate 80 and right off the relatively busy Highway 93 which leads to Ely. As the name suggests, the Clover Valley Scenic Drive passes through a valley called the Clover Valley.
The Clover Valley is aptly named, as it's one of the few areas in Nevada that are suitable for agriculture - particularly growing hay. The towering Humboldt Mountains to the west of the valley squeeze enough moisutre (particularly snow) out of the atmosphere to allow enough spill-over moisture to fall in the valley for agriculture use.
The Clover Valley Scenic Drive follows Nevada 232 - a paved state highway - for it's entire length. The one-way drive is short - just sixteen miles. Total round-trip distance (returning to the beginning of the drive on Highway 93), is just thirty miles. Reaching the Clover Valley Scenic Drive is simple. Just get off Interstate 80 at Wells and head south on Highway 93 for five miles to the junction with Nevada 232.
The drive cuts through the heart of the Clover Valley, passing through a flat and vast valley of grass. Small foothills dot the landscape, while the dominating Humboldt Mountains rise to the West. Once the road nears the mountains, the road turns south and then begins to parallel the Humboldt Mountains, providing superb views if conditions are right. For much of the year, the peaks of the Humboldt Mountains - which exceed 11,000 feet - are covered in snow.
While there is "no bad" time to take this beautiful drive, May and June are probably the most scenic months. During this period, the Clover Valley will look like Ireland with green grass and flowers everywhere - while the towering Humboldt Mountains will still be covered in a blanket of snow.
Traffic on Nevada 232 is exceedingly light, and will consist almost entirely of local traffic as Nevada 232 essentially goes nowhere (it makes a semi-circle, beginning and ending at Highway 93). Thus, other than occasionally dodging a tractor or wayward cow, a traveler in the Clover Valley will essentially have the road to themselves.
Quick Facts About the Clover Valley Scenic Drive
- Trip Length : 16 miles (30 miles round-trip by using Highway 93).
- Road Type - The road is paved and basically flat.
- RV's / Campers? - Yes.
- Services Available - Gas and supplies can be found in Wells.
- General Location - Northeast Nevada, right off Interstate 80, and begins five miles to the south of Wells.
- Camping - You can camp on the scattered BLM lands around - but much of the Clover Valley is private property (one of the few spots in rural NV that have significant private property holdings). However, outside of the Clover Valley you can camp anywhere, including Snow Water Lake, which is located a few miles from the end of the scenic drive on Highway 93.
Map of Clover Valley & Nearby Scenic Drives
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